Happy Home: Planning Bekah's Room

About three months ago I shared a collection of drawings I had put together in an attempt to get all the jumbled ideas I had for our new living room down in one place. I was really surprised by just how helpful that drawing was for me in planning! It took out some of the guess work about what we needed to buy and all of a sudden I felt much more organized. The drawing part was pretty fun, too, so that didn't hurt. :)  This week we are getting ready to make the official move into our new apartment. We have really grown to love the tiny apartment we've lived in this year. It really feels like home. With Bekah's due date only about seven weeks away, it is time for us to start getting settled in down the hall, making the move from 105 to 111. We're looking forward to making 111 home, too. :)

Last night, while Luke was at work I finished drawing up some plans for the nursery. I did not expect to finish last night and I may have been drawing for several hours longer than I'd like to admit… but I think, for now, the planning of her room is done. Here's a little guided tour!

Just as a refresher, the view into Bekah's room looks like this when you're coming from the living room…

When you walk into the room, turn to the left, and take a few steps back this is what you'll see…
Like the random paint samples? :) The closet is nice and big but our lil' Rebekah's clothes are super tiny. Since the room itself isn't very big, we needed to find a way to use that space in a more practical way. We'll get to that in a minute!

Turn a little to your right and this is the next view of the nursery…

Keep turning to the right and you'll see the window wall (opposite to the closet wall we saw)…

Then keep on turnin' a little further to your right and you'll see this last view… (Sorry the camera angles are a little funny - I crunched myself down in a corner to get more wall space in view)

 On the right is the door we came in to tour the room. Ready to see the illustrated pictures? :) 

Here's the updated version of the closet…

If everything fits like we think it should, we'll place our yellow dresser in the closet to serve as storage and a changing table (with a changing pad on top, of course ;)). The mirror that goes with the dresser is actually be too big to fit below that little closet rod holder in the middle, so we'll hang up a lightweight mirror I found at a thrift store. There will still be a decent amount of room to hang some of Bekah's fancier outfits on the closet rod and the rest will fit in the large dresser drawers. I'd like to put a few wicker baskets on the top shelf to hold her extra bedding and whatever else we need a place for. 

We were gifted a beautiful dark wood crib from my parents and Luke's parents (thank you, you four! we love you!). Over the crib I think it would be sweet to hang a homemade mobile (maybe little birds and clouds made out of felt and fabric scraps?) and on the wall I plan to string a fabric strip garland to soften up the space a little. We'd love to incorporate some family pictures around the room so Bekah can regularly see some of her family she might not get to see in person as often as we'd like. 

On to the next view before I start crying about how I want all our family nearby… :) 

Remember the second view I showed you of the wall that the crib will be on? I didn't do a drawing for that one for two reasons: first, I reallllllllly didn't want to redraw the crib from another angle (cribs are hard to draw! haha) and second, for safety purposes, the wall above her crib will probably remain pretty empty other than the fabric garland that will be out of her reach. So we'll move on to the updated window wall view instead. ;)

We'd like to put a twin bed in this space to use for out of town guests (Bekah can just bunk in our room during those times :)) and baby-snuggle time during the day. My parents are kindly lending us an extra bed they have in storage right now and we'll cover it with a pretty quilt they bought me when I went off to Master's Commission. Like the big puppy stuffed animal? Luke bought him for Bekah immediately after we found out we were expecting a girl at our twenty-week appointment. We affectionately call him "dat puppy" and we're guessing he'll just hang out like that. He doesn't really do anything else. But he is super cute and we think Bekah is going to like him a lot. :)

The fabric strip garland will extend to this corner of the room. We'll add a floor lamp somewhere in here and find a long curtain to use for the window. 

Time for the last view! Turn to the right once again and you'll see something like this…

Here's the rest of the twin bed with a mirror we already own hanging above it. I think the mirror will reflect some nice natural light and open up the small room a little more. The basket could be used as book or toy storage. Over Christmas break, my family gathered around the kitchen table and we all drew pictures of ourselves for Bekah's room. It was so much fun laughing together as we all gave our best efforts in drawing self portraits. I absolutely love how each one turned out and we really treasure these little drawings. I'd like to find frames for all of them and arrange them in a way similar to this with the two columns and ribbon. Family is so precious to us and it will be really special to have them represented in our girl's room like this. :) 

Well friends, I think that's it! I hope you enjoyed looking through the illustrations. I love sharing them with you… it's such a good motivator for me to get moving on the things we need to finish up for her arrival. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll be able to share new pictures with you of our progress.

Praying you all have a great week and that you know how much you encourage me just by reading these posts and sharing in this strong+sweet journey. I'm hoping to be back here a little later this week to reflect on some scripture and life-stuff with you. I'll talk to you soon. :)


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