Happy Home Wednesday: A New Conversation

Happy mid-week, friends! What have you been up to this week?

This afternoon I've been hanging out on the couch doing some brain storming for future Strong+Sweet posts and series. Do you ever have people ask you what your hobbies are? I think I went years and years of being asked that question with absolutely no idea how to respond. Isn't that funny? Sure, I had stuff I like to do but I had a tough time identifying my "hobbies".  Within the past year or so I finally found something to say as I found myself falling in love with interior home design. I would guess Pinterest played some role in that infatuation ;). I can spend a lot of time watching HGTV, scrolling through home design pin boards, and reading blogs like Young House Love (those Petersiks are awesome). So now when people ask me what my hobbies are, I'll usually say something about home design.

I've found that what I love most about home design isn't acquiring "stuff". What I love about home design is that I get to share it with other people. It's so easy to take the physical blessings God has given us in our furniture, kitchen ware, and space and use it all to love people.

You see, I'm thankful for our apartment, but without Luke, Bekah, family and friends to share it with - it would really just be a bunch of meaningless rooms. I'm thankful for the bright, sunny kitchen we just settled into, but nothing makes me love that little kitchen more than when I use it to make something yummy for my sister and husband to eat after they get off work. (I mentioned in this post that my sister is currently living in the area and we are loving having her around!)

I think using my home to build relationships is what makes it a happy home. It doesn't have to be a big party or loud get-together - some of the best times that this little home is used to foster relationships are when it's just Luke and I at home enjoying each other's company or just me, home alone, growing in my relationship with God.

I'm going to try something new here on Wednesdays. I want to explore this happy home idea with you through a series of posts.They'll mix together related scripture, pretty images found on Pinterest, and maybe even some thoughts and stories from you about how you've used your space (whether one room, or a whole house) to care for people and share God's love. I think this is going to be fun. :)

So, let me ask you a few questions to get our little home-y conversation going. What could you share about creating a happy home? Do you love being the party-throwing hostess or treasure the moments of private family time lounging in the living room? Do you shop for table settings while thinking about the friends you'll host for lunch? How do you use your space and your physical blessings to love people?

Can't wait to hear from you!

** Disclaimer: The photos shared above include source links under each image. If the photo belongs to you and you would like it removed, just let me know in the comments below!
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