Introducing Bekah Lynn

Well, it's been a little quiet around here lately - but for the best, sweetest, happiest reason ever! On Monday, June 9th at 6:25am, our little Bekah Lynn arrived - 3 weeks early!

Bekah is sweet, unbelievably soft and kissable, and a complete joy. She makes the cutest little squeaking noises and expressions that always make me laugh and she has bright, alert, gorgeous blue eyes. She has the prettiest full head of golden brown hair, a sweet chubby face, and a tiny little body that is so huggable. Her full name, Rebekah, means "captivating" and in the Bible, Isaac calls his wife Rebekah a "special comfort" to him. She has definitely captivated our hearts and I don't think I'll ever get over the comforting feeling of snuggling my girl. I can't believe I get to be her mommy! She is so beautifully designed by God. 

The first weeks of sleep loss were tough to get used to at first, but there is such an amazing feeling of accomplishment when the morning comes. I went to bed last night, laid my head down and couldn't help but smile through the sleepiness and thank God for this life I have been given. The same thing happened again this morning when the sun was rising and Bekah was going back to sleep after the two of us cuddled for a couple hours. I am really thankful. Thankful for Bekah, thankful for Luke, thankful for family and friends who have loved and supported us so much - and most importantly, thankful for the comfort of the Holy Spirit. We'll never have to do this parenting thing alone as we partner with God in caring for our little girl and raise her to know and love Jesus and people. 

Seeing Luke and Bekah together puts a million questions in my mind about how I could be so blessed to call these two my family. I knew Luke would be an amazing Dad, but he has completely surpassed my expectations and made them look so silly compared to the Dad he actually is. Everything that defined Luke before - selflessness, kindness, hard working-ness, fun, thoughtful - all of that and more is multiplied and demonstrated in how he has loved me and Bekah these past few weeks. When I've been worried or tired or doubtful about my ability to do something well, he has been right there every time to encourage me and stand with me. I love you, Luke. You are an incredible Dad and husband!

That's all for now, it was nice to introduce you to our sweet girlie! Tomorrow we are going to Gettysburg for a visit with family and friends - we can't wait to show Bekah our favorite place and introduce her to people we love so much from back home. I have a lot of baby snuggling to do these days ;) so I think we'll just figure out the blogging schedule as we go. I love blogging and feel like a better Bonnie/wife/mommy when I get to use this platform to encourage. I think you'll be hearing from me a lot during Bekah's nap times. :)

I hope you're all having a great weekend - as always, I'm here to pray and listen if you need that today. :)

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