My July Goals

     At the start of each month, I've been reading along with The Tiny Twig as she shares her monthly goals. I wasn't sure at first if this was something I wanted to share on Strong+Sweet. How interested would anyone be in reading my goals for the month? But you know what I realized? When I read the monthly goals of other bloggers - it makes a difference in my life. I love learning from people who are going after the life they want to live.

So this month, I decided to join in on the fun! Today I'm linking up with The Tiny Twig in her monthly "Goals with Grace" post. If you follow this link here, you'll find Hayley's original post and the links of other bloggers who have also shared what they want to accomplish this month. If you have some time, take a look! It is really inspiring. 

Here are my goals for July… 

1. Read a book with Luke: My husband is a reader and I love that about him! This is a good way for me to enjoy something my husband enjoys with him. It also might cut down on some of my screen time… which wouldn't be a bad thing. :)

2. Loose 5 pounds: I delivered Bekah only a month ago and I'm breastfeeding, so weight loss is sort of a funny thing for me right now. I've lost about 20 pounds since delivery and this month I'd like to loose 5 more. By loosing 5 more pounds, I'll be right around my weight at the start of pregnancy. I have wanted to loose some weight and live a more active, healthy lifestyle for a long, long time. I have been thinking a lot about this lately and I'm ready to do what it takes to make it happen. (I need to speak that over myself a lot - it still sort of freaks me out!) Next week I'll receive a release from my doctor to resume exercise and friends, I am ready to go after this goal! I will definitely need your encouragement - so I plan to share more about this and my plan sometime soon. I might loose all 5 pounds simply from feeding little Bekah, but either way, this goal will help me make better choices.

3. Write 10 entries in Bekah's book: Before Bekah was born I bought a pretty little notebook that I've been using to jot down short letters and memories for her to read one day. She is growing and changing so rapidly right now - which is so fun for us to watch. It's nice to have a simple method for capturing some of these early memories like our first dinner out as a family or the first toy she played with. I can't wait to read back through this journal with my beautiful teenage Bekah one day. This girl is such a joy - I love her so much!

4. Blog a new contributor post: Strong+Sweet is a collaborative blog to encourage+empower. Some of the best responded to posts here have been the ones where others did the writing! I love that and hope to see more of this collaboration in the future. If this is a place where people are encouraged to use their gifts to build others up, then this is a good place. I have a few ideas running through my head about the next contributor posts - so with this as a July goal, you should be seeing a new one very soon!

5. Develop a self care + beauty plan: Remember a few months ago when I shared about self care? I mentioned that I've always had some doubts in the makeup and hair care department. I feel like I have a lot of room to learn and grow in this area, and this month I'm doing something about it! This one is in the works already and three sweet girls (Anna + Kristen + Betsy) have been helping me out. This month I'll specifically focus on hair and makeup. I'm planning to write a post all about the details of the journey soon - this is really stretching me and I am excited!

Now it's your turn! Would you take a few minutes to share a goal or two… or five.. here in the comments? Or, if you blog your goals - share your post with me! I am always encouraged and empowered when I hear other people share their goals. Setting S.M.A.R.T goals is a huge part of leadership (having influence) and living in an aggressive, take-on-the-world kind of way. 

I'm excited to grow with you and make July a month where we overcome things that we thought we could never overcome before. :) So, what are your goals for July?

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