Back in the Swing of Things

Hi friends! Hope you're all doing well this week. Our first year at Valley Forge is coming to an end and  beautiful Spring weather is here! I woke up to the sound of a big riding mower outside our window and it was such a welcome sound. This semester has been busy for Luke and I but so rewarding. Luke has been working so hard on school and at his job -- I am incredibly proud of Him and honored that He chose to share his life with me. My course load was lighter this semester, but as I look back and work through the last few assignments and books, I feel like I've been learning a lot -- and that's a very good thing. :)

Pregnancy is still going very well. Our little girl is growing big and strong and we can't even imagine how pretty her sweet face must be these days. This week is my last week in the "twenties", on Easter Sunday we'll reach 30 weeks of pregnancy! Time has really flown by and we are so excited to meet our Bekah. I've been feeling very good and just received Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize in the mail this week. From the little I know about it before reading, it sounds like an excellent book… maybe I'll do a brief review here once I finish. It's all about applying the truth of scripture to overcome the fears related to childbirth. I've experienced the power of God's Word set me free from fear so many times in the past, so this will be a nice refresher. :)

This week we took the exciting step of getting a few things ready to move into our new apartment! This week we bought paint (yay Sherwin Williams 40% off sale!) and a new swivel rocking chair for our living room. The chair was a craigslist find, sold by a very sweet young family that we met last night at pick-up. They even gave us a box of free baby clothes that are adorable! And I mean adorable. There was a tiny faux fur baby vest in there, people. :) I'm very thankful for God's provision for our family and all these fun experiences as we prepare for moving into our new home and getting ready for our girl to come.

It feels good to be back here blogging this morning. I went into a bit of a blogging slump the last couple months, feeling a tiny bit discouraged about what I had to say and uninspired to write. I think that happens sometimes when we're too hard on ourselves and think every post needs to be perfect. I know it might sound a little funny to some, but I really do believe this blog is something God has called me to use to share life with other people, to share about him, and to share encouragement that empowers people as He empowers me. God is really sweet. :) So thank you for allowing me to share my voice and our life with you. Every page view and comment means so much and I especially love when you take the time to share with me what is going on in your life.

This spring and summer I plan to write here much more frequently. I have some fun updates about fixing up our apartment on the way and others about some special topics that have been on my heart lately. I'm hoping to involve more contributors soon, including Kirsten who shared this beautiful post a few months back. I'm hoping to convince my friend Hannah (who is a baking and DIY pro, in my opinion) to share a crafty/DIY kind of post here. I might not have mentioned that to her yet… ;) but I think there is a lot to look forward to!

Thanks for reading again today. And happy spring!


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