Window Shopping {fall as a new momma}

In just a few days, Luke's college classes will start again and we'll officially be finished with summer vacation. I guess it's a little bittersweet - summer has been so, so good but, man, do I love fall!  I did a little bit of window shopping online and made a collage from my finds. Take a look!
Blog Idea: Create a window shopping collage. Share what your finds for the season you're in! { Strong and Sweet}

1. I love this pretty gray dress from Ruche. This seems like such a good closet staple and comfy for new-mom life.
2. SheReadsTruth is an amazing online/phone app Bible Study program. I've been thinking about ordering one of their study packs sometime in the future. They're so pretty, too!
3. I was all about converse in high school and still wear a pair (with cats on them) every so often. I love the clean, classic look of white Chuck Taylors.
4. This print from 1canoe2 is so fun and perfect for fall.
5. Yesterday I went to Ikea for the very first time and loved it! Luke said I like it so much because it's like a real life Pinterest. I totally get what he means. I love this bright white vanity table we saw in store.
6. This piano play mat and gym from Fisher Price would be so fun for Bekah! I wonder how she would react to the music that all her little kicks would make?
7. This teething necklace from MagazinIL on Etsy is really lovely. Pretty, safe for baby, and helpful in the future teething months - sounds good to me!
8. This honeycomb bracelet from Modcloth reminds me of my Bekah. We called her "baby B" before we knew her gender at 20 weeks (we plan to name our first boy Ben). Since then, bumble bees have become a theme with a lot of her things and I like calling her "little honey".
9. I've been doing some research on exercise bands and I like the Nike Fuelband a lot. So much so that I suggested it as my birthday gift! Do you have a fuel band or a similar bracelet? Is there a different one you would recommend?

I hope you have a great start to the weekend! Have you been window shopping lately? Share some of your favorite finds with me!


a little word of encouragement for the weekend ahead
14 So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. 15 This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. 16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Hebrews 4:14-16
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