Grateful Heart Monday 8.25.14

Happy Monday! Today I'm joining with Emily at Ember Grey and a bunch of other sweet bloggers as we start the week with a grateful heart. Check out the link-up and get involved by clicking here!

Today I'm grateful that God changed my plans. Here's just one example why... 

Somewhere around my junior year of high school, I started looking at colleges. I had my hopes set on going right into a four year degree following high school - but it wasn't long before I knew that wasn't really what God was asking me to do.

Whenever I prayed about my plans, I heard God speak to me about entering a ministry training program instead. It was called Master's Commission and I was not interested at all. But as much as I wanted to go off to college and graduate in four years, ultimately, I wanted to be obedient to God more. I (somewhat grudgingly) started looking into Master's Commission programs and found one close to home, just 45 minutes away in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I had never heard of the church that hosted the program - Freedom Valley Worship Center - and I tried to find every excuse not to go.

Funny story: when I saw the pastor's last name was Stoltzfoos - a name that seemed so funny and unfamiliar to me - I even tried to use that as an excuse to not go to the program… 3 years later, I ended up marrying his son and became a Stoltzfoos myself!

So every time I looked into a different program or a different location, it was like my mind was instantly pulled back to Gettysburg. I knew that was the place where God was leading me. With a big heavy sense of surrender, I said yes to God. I dropped my plans for college in Florida and chose ministry training in Gettysburg. That was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Fast forward about a year to August of 2010, two months after I graduated from high school. My parents' van was all packed up, and I moved to the Gettysburg area for my first year of ministry training. It was an amazing, challenging, life-changing year. And (mega bonus!) on my second day in Gettysburg, I walked through the doors of Freedom Valley, where my family was waiting to attend service with me at my new church. That's when I saw a handsome, tall, friendly blonde boy talking with them - I was pretty much smitten right away. :)

Fast forward again, four years and three days to today, August 25th, 2014. Here I am, sitting on the couch in the sunny apartment I share with my husband on the campus of Valley Forge Christian College, where we came to be students together. Our sweet baby girl is quietly snoring as she sleeps propped up against my leg. She is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. Luke and I are approaching two years of a wonderful, love-filled and faith-filled marriage. All the way since that day I said 'yes' to God, it has been an amazing journey.

with the girls on my master's commission team on a trip to Tulsa Oklahoma
As huge of a blessing as my husband and daughter are to my life - God didn't just stop there. During my time at Master's Commission, I also developed some of the best friendships I'd ever had and I grew so much in my faith. God's word brought hope to areas of my life I felt so defeated in and I fell in love with being a part of Jesus's church. God knew just what I needed and He led me there!

This past May, when many of my friends from my high school class graduated college, it hit me a little harder than I expected. I guess I was just reminded that my original schedule had not panned out. The truth is, I'm still not sure when exactly I'll finish up my bachelor's degree - but that's okay. When I look at Luke, and I look at Bekah, and I look at those amazing years in Gettysburg and our life here today- it is such a powerful reminder to me that God loves to guide our lives for our good. And the other stuff will work out. :)

How have you seen God change your plans? I love these verses from Ephesians… He is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask for or imagine!

 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. - Ephesians 3:20-21


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