Happy Home: Planning Our New Living Room

Hey Friends!

Hope you're having a great weekend so far. Ours started with date night yesterday, tons of sleep, a speedy grocery shopping trip together today, and homemade BBQ Bacon Burgers… it's been good. :) What have you been up to? 

I mentioned a couple weeks ago that Luke and I are getting ready to move into a new apartment down the hall. Today I'd love to start sharing some of our planning with you through pictures! Earlier this week I ran down the hall and took photos of the space as it currently is. After uploading the photos onto my computer, I took out my trusty wacom bamboo tablet and started drawing. The illustrated images you'll see below include some of our current furniture and decor and also a few other pieces we're still searching for to complete the space. 

When you walk in the front door of the apartment, you're actually in the kitchen. But if you turn to your left, and walk through a big entry way, this is your view into the living room. The door straight ahead is the door to our baby's soon-to-be nursery. Yep! I smile every time I say that! :) 

 If you take a few steps into the living room and turn to the left, you'll see this closet space. We're guessing this apartment used to be split into two smaller apartments and that this closet was part of the bedroom. Notice my Peter-Pan like appearance in this one… :)

Then, if you walk right over to the baby's room and stand in the doorway, looking back at where you started, this is your view.

You'll notice you can see the kitchen and the door to our bedroom through there, too. The kitchen may be going through some changes in the next couple months, so we're not quite sure what that will actually look like when we move in. Are you ready for the illustrated "after" pictures? :) Let's start back with our first view into the living room from the kitchen.

The couch, rug, ottoman bench, and some of the smaller decor pieces are already present in our current apartment. We're searching thrift stores and craigslist for a big comfy reading chair, a little end table, and a lamp. And of course, in a few months here we'll need to go pick out a crib. :) The framed letter on the right will hopefully be an engineer print of Luke's handwritten wedding vows (they are beautiful! I married an incredible writer!) and we're hoping to hang some of our favorite black and white photos around the room, as you can see above the chair.

Next, if you take a few steps into the room again and turn to your left… you'll see the updated closet space turned into an efficient little office.

We're still on the look out for a good sturdy desk that we can update with paint and new hardware if needed and also a few of those decor details. The metal envelope, hanging vintage mirror, and the white cabinet are all pieces that were previously gifted or thrifted. I think we'd also like to put an end table and lamp beside the couch there, but we're undecided about that. We've asked my sister, Annie, to do a painting for above the couch! She is amazing! :) 

One last view to go! Now, when standing in the doorway to the baby's room you'll see something like this…

In that far corner we would like to place a small dining table for two to four people. Eventually we'd also like to save up for a TV that could be mounted (these are very old, military hospital walls so we'll see about that… :)) and watched from the rest of the room. For the time being, maybe we'll put a painting there. We might use a shelf we already own or find a more rustic-looking one with some leafy garland to go under the TV. I think white teacups are pretty much the cutest thing ever so I'd also like to hang a few of those from under the shelf. I think the cups help that area feel more like an eating space, too. The built in shelves will be great for storing most of our books… maybe even some baby books (I can't stop relating everything to baby!). My mom gave us that big basket that we currently store blankets in, but I think it will be a good place to quickly throw the toys that were scattered throughout the room. :)

Before we move in we'll give the walls a fresh coat of paint and some bright white trim. :)

That's about it for now. :) Thanks for reading along! On Monday we have our twenty week ultrasound where we should be able to find out the baby's gender. So, maybe next I'll share the nursery plans. ;) Keep the baby and our appointment in prayer if you think of it? 

Have a great weekend, everyone.
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