My Birthday Recap {& a thank you!}

I just want to start today's post with a quick thank you. Some of you reading today know that my father-in-law, Gerry, was in a serious motorcycle accident last Wednesday in Chicago. Countless people are praying for him and we have seen amazing healing in his body. It looks like he will be discharged on the 3rd and doing therapy close to home. We are really thankful for that! I can't express how grateful I am for everyone who has prayed for Gerry and supported the whole Stoltzfoos fam during this time. God is a great, great God - able to heal 100% and work all things together for our good. Luke, Bekah, and I can't wait to have Gerry home, hug him, and see the healing miracles continue. Thanks again, friends!
So this past Saturday, I turned twenty three! The whole weekend was so special. The night before my birthday, Luke returned home from work with Runaway Bride and candy for a movie night, just the two of us (Bekah was fast asleep in her crib). On Saturday, the three of us slept in a little and then I enjoyed my usual birthday giddiness and morning silliness with my girl. I love the excitement of the morning on a special day and Bekah is so bright eyed and happy in the morning!  If you check out this video on my Instagram account, you can listen to a little "birthday song" Bekah sang for me. The video is only about 10 seconds long but I laugh every time I watch it! This was my first birthday as a momma and, I've gotta say, having Bekah to share the day with sure made turning twenty three extra special.

After a slow wake up, playing with Bekah, and getting all cleaned up and ready, we got in the car and drove to Panera Bread for an early lunch. Bekah napped pretty well (thanks to some Daddy snuggles) so Luke and I were able to just lazily lean back in our booth, drink more than our fair share of hazelnut coffee, and eat delicious food. That morning had such a slow, peaceful pace to it. It was perfect. I loved seeing his handsome smile from across the table. On our way home, Luke dropped me off at HomeGoods (one of my favorite stores) so I could walk around and soak in all the HomeGoods goodness. After twenty minutes or so, I was back in the car and we headed home.

Saturday evening, my parents came to visit and took Bekah and I out to eat at the restaurant where Luke works. I love visiting him at work, talking to his coworkers, and, of course, spending time with my parents and Beks... so it was such a good way to celebrate. Near the end of our meal, Luke came by and scooped up Bekah. He couldn't wait to show her off to the people at his tables. On our way out, we bumped into a lady who told us, "He is the proudest daddy I have ever seen!". That's my Luke! 

On Sunday we continued with some casual b-day activities. We went to church in the morning, then picked up a yummy lunch to eat at home. We lounged around our living room in our most comfy clothes and watched a movie called American Blogger. That was my choice... since I was the birthday girl and all :). A storm rolled in, a cozy afternoon nap happened, and then we spent the later part of the evening at Target. This weekend was so good. Simple and full of family. I was definitely extra thankful for the gift of family this year, with everything surrounding Gerry's accident. People are so precious and, man, am I blessed with some good ones to call my family and friends. :)
Thanks again for the continued prayers for my father-in-law. I'm looking forward to being able to share some great reports on his progress this week. How could I pray for you? What's going on? :)

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