My September Goals {Goals with Grace}

So, here's the thing. I did not do very well with my goals for August.  None of my goals were completely finished by the end of August. At first, I was pretty tough on myself when the last few days of August came and went and I still had nothing to check off the list. I wasn't even sure if I'd talk about my August goals again on here.

But then a week or so ago, I was reading Amy's post where she reviewed her goals. She wrote,

" I did terrible!  But that's why I love Goals with Grace! Here are my September goals..."

Amy's perspective was such a good reminder for me to not put too much weight on what I accomplish. Some months don't go quite as planned, and that's okay. Maybe you had a month like me and you're feeling kinda down about it... grace is an amazing thing. God doesn't love us based on what we accomplish. Let that sink in. Isn't it so refreshing? I'll keep going with these goals because it's fun for me - I love planning my month and hearing your goals, too! So before I share my goals for September, here are the goals I set for August... 

1. Read a book with Luke -  I started Emma by Jane Austen but haven't finished. Luke did, though! 
2. Complete our bathroom makeover - Almost there! I'm hoping to share pictures within the week.
3. Plan a special get together with friends - I did have a lot of really great time with friends last month, but not really an organized get together. So we'll give partial credit here ;)
4. Get other women involved with a Strong and Sweet video series - Still working through this. I need to spend some thing focusing on it to figure out exactly where I'm headed with this one. 
5. Start working on family photo albums - I'm excited to look through our dating pictures and see the progression of all that God's done since then.

Now it's time for September's goals! We're already half way through the month, but I think this list still seems pretty manageable. 

This month each goal represents something I'd like to develop more in my life. I'm really looking forward to a productive (and grace-filled) second half of September. I'll keep you updated at the start of October... and I hope you'll do the same! What are your goals for September? How did your goals for August go? I'd love to know!


*One last note: I've been having fun creating different blog designs for Strong and Sweet. I don't feel quite settled on this one yet, but it's fun to try different things. So you can probably expect to see things changing around here every so often until I find a look that feels just right. :) 
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