A bit about Strong and Sweet {the tour through blogland}

My friend Rebecca sent me an email last week and asked if I'd like to participate in a project going around called The Tour Through Blogland. It seemed like a fun way to share what's going on behind the scenes with me and Strong and Sweet, so I said a happy yes. Rebecca has been a dear friend to me in these early months of motherhood, offering me such kind words right when I needed them. She answered these same questions last week on her blog. If you have a minute, head on over there next! I think you would really love to read what she's been sharing. :)

Question 1: What am I working on? So right now I'm working on two major projects for Strong and Sweet. The first is talking with a couple ladies about their upcoming contributor posts for Strong and Sweet. I really love doing this! I can't wait to share their posts with you. The second is a new project that I have barely started. Since high school I've enjoyed preparing sermons. There is just something so cool about helping people see how applicable scripture is to our daily lives. So I'm studying a passage in the Psalms right now and will eventually record myself sharing it and post it here. I'm dreaming up some ways to make it interactive and easy to apply. You should be seeing updates on both of these projects sometime soon!

Question 2: How does my work differ from others in its genre? Ya know, I'm not quite sure how to answer this one. I don't know what blog genre my blog would be a part of - I usually call it a blog to encourage, or something like that. Sometimes that means I encourage through sharing personal experiences, other times through sharing scripture, or even just lighthearted everyday stuff. Whatever it is, there's a common thread of positivity and the hope we have through Jesus that runs through all of it. So... still don't know how to answer. Haha. Who knows.
I'll just say, there are a lot of good blogs out there -- if you're ever curious about my faves (in any genre) I'd love to share them with you. I can talk blogging alllll day. :) I guess as far as genre goes, whatever genre is fun, encouraging, and pointing to Jesus - that's the one I want to be a part of.

Question 3: Why do I write/create what I do? I write on Strong and Sweet for a few reasons. First, and I don't say this in some super-spiritual way, but just because I mean it: I believe it's something that God wants me to do and that it honors Him. Second: I write here because we all need encouraged. We all face tough stuff and life can feel pretty hopeless sometimes. Reading and sharing encouraging words can make a world of difference. I love that I get to use blogging as a tool to do that.

Question 4: How does my creative writing process work? My creative writing process isn't too mapped out really, but it looks something like this: Every so often I'll jot down post ideas in my drafts folder or in a little notebook. My blog writing happens mostly when Bekah is taking a nap or hanging out with her sweet daddy. I tend to edit my posts way more times than I should. When I feel about done with a post, I like asking Luke to proof read for me (hey cute proof reader!).  He's always so kind and once he's done reading I feel more than ready to post.

I loved thinking through these questions and sharing a little more about Strong and Sweet with you. If you'd like to read more Tours Through Blogland - be sure to check out Rebecca's blog (mentioned above) and Leann's blog next week! She's a sweet girl who's planning to answer the same questions on the 10th. And hey! If you have a minute, you should answer these questions and tell me a little about yourself!

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