Meet Denise {a strong and sweet contributor}

I'm so glad that the day is finally here when I get to share this sweet post with you. Today my mom is sharing here at Strong and Sweet. I asked her a few weeks back if she'd consider writing a post and, in true Denise-fashion, she was so enthusiastic about it and wrote something beautiful. Enjoy!
                                    original photo credit to a sweet family friend, Dana Britton, via Facebook

Hi, Strong and Sweet readers! 

My name is Denise and I’m so proud to be Bonnie’s mom.  Bonnie asked if I’d consider writing an entry for her blog, to which I responded, “Absolutely!” Strong and Sweet is a wonderful place to share life experiences, faith, and questions with one another. As you have interacted, I have been reminded of the verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 which states, 

“Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

I can look back over the years and identify people in my life who have “built” me up through their words and by believing in who God made me to be. I’d like to introduce you to a few of them. It is my hope that by sharing, you will be inspired and encouraged today.

My parents, Jean and Harley, unable to have biological children, chose my sister, brother and I to be in their family.  They loved us before they knew us and welcomed us even when they knew we weren’t “perfect”.  When they first saw me, it was very evident that something was very wrong with my (blind) eye. But, they chose not to walk away.  They provided love, home and a family that each of us desperately needed. We were accepted.

Mrs. Brunton was my first track coach.  As a former track star, she loved to introduce kids to the world of cross-country, track and field.  This perky, petite, 60ish woman would pick us up in her white, wood paneled station wagon, drive to the local track or park and train us to become athletes. She believed in me and helped me to see that I could do something well. She also inspired me to become a basketball coach who would make practices fun learning experiences.

Barb, a dear friend and “older” mom, was a great encourager during the season of life when our 5 children were young.  I loved being able to stay at home with my kids but I was often tired and sometimes :) grumpy from trying to meet all the needs.  What Barb gave me was the ability to put things in perspective on those days when I felt like a horrible mom.  She told me of the verse that says, “Love covers over a multitude of sins”. I learned that seeking forgiveness from my children and loving them through my words and actions created a healthier home environment.

Whether my parents, Mrs. Brunton or Barb knew it or not, they were modeling the character of Christ to me.  Wasn’t it the Lord who loved us, accepted us and chose us to be part of His family?  Isn’t it the Lord who believes in us, develops gifts in us and enables us to use them as part of His purpose and plan for our lives?  And isn’t it the Lord who listens to us, encourages us, builds us up and corrects us, again and again, so we can experience His love, peace and hope, then share it with others?

As you build each other up, you are a reflection of Christ.  May you be blessed and encouraged today.  Keep up the good work!

Love and Prayers, 

Tell us about someone who has encouraged you in the comments below! 
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