Sharing my Health Journey {week six 2.18.15}

Goodbye week six! You were good!

Another week is done. I've been wracking my brain for the last day or two trying to think of what to share in this post. It was a really good week. Nothing super special happened, but it all felt normal and like real habits are being formed. I continued to meet my exercise goals each day (getting in at least 10,000 steps and over 30 minutes of "very active" exercise) and switched my rest day to Sundays - which I think will be a better fit. I'm still sort of on the fence about how to move forward with making better food choices. I didn't end up tracking my food like I had planned to last week. I was kinda disappointed in myself about that and really struggled with how to share about that here. I feel like the best way to move forward is to just learn from those mistakes, be kind to myself, and make one decision at a time. My friend Jenn mentioned something a couple weeks ago about all the little decisions we make adding up for big results - when I look at it that way, it feels way less overwhelming. Haha - anything that will help me turn down the extra ice cream. :)

The weather was sooo cold and icy this week so I've still been exercising inside. I've been running in place for 5, 10, or 20+ minute stretches and I am actually having a lot of fun with it. I run in our bedroom, often while Bekah sleeps, with my computer on the dresser so I can listen to a podcast or watch a show. My back faces a wall that has a long mirror on it, and sometimes, when I need a change of scenery, I'll turn around and run facing that direction. It is really cool seeing myself change in the mirror. From what I can remember, this is the longest I've stuck with something like this and it is crazy rewarding in more ways than I would have expected. I like the stuff that's going on in my heart when I exercise and I like giving myself little challenges, like running longer or faster. I smile a lot and I feel my endurance building and that's a really neat feeling! I'm still trying to figure out how Bekah feels about seeing me run in place. She seems a little suspicious.

It's hard to believe but our next 21 day celebration is coming up on Sunday! I wrote about those celebrations, and why we do them, in this post. Luke's helping me decide how we'll celebrate this one. Hmm... I've got some thinking to do. Hopefully next week I'll share about that celebration and the incredible amount of time I was able to spend outside ;) (come on, Spring!). Hello, week 7!

Have a great rest of the week, friends! Thanks for reading.

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