Made for This: Self Care

Happy Tuesday, friends!

I hope you've had a great start to the week. We're on spring break right now and the weather is so beautiful. We're about to go on our second walk for the day… it's just too nice to stay inside! Last night a bunch of families from our apartment building got together for a potluck dinner. It was a great night getting to know more of the couples that are living here on campus. How's your week going? :)

Do you remember when I wrote about naming my year a few months ago? You can check out that post by clicking here. This year, I chose the phrase "made for this" to name my year. It has been very empowering to have that little phrase to say whenever I'm facing a challenge or feeling afraid. I love that simple reminder that Jesus has made me more than a conqueror. I hope those of you who named your year with me have found it to be a helpful practice, too. Remember, it's not too late to name your year. If there's an encouraging word or phrase you want to speak over the challenges you're facing, give it a try. I'd love to hear about it. :)

Today I'm looking forward to sharing about another area of growth that is a part of my "made for this" year. This year I want to grow in my self-care habits, beauty routine, and clothing choices. I know, I know, that might seem a little shallow at first… but hear me out. :) Through the years I have heard myself say things like "I'm just not good at doing my makeup" or "I'm bad at putting together outfits" or "I can never do my hair how I like it" wayyyy too many times. Those might just seem like silly little comments, but I've learned that if I get in the habit of telling myself that I can't grow in areas that are challenging for me, I'm going to start to believe it.

This year I am going to change the way I think about myself. I am changing the script in my head that says "I am not good enough to meet the challenges of self care" and make it sound more like, "I am made for overcoming the challenges I face with self care". 

So, you may be wondering, what are those self-care challenges for me?

1. Make-up and Hair Care: 
I've become way too good at convincing myself that these are areas I could never grow in. Make-up and hair care are a little intimidating for me, mostly because of all the products that are available. I think the best solution I've found here is to ask for advice from friends who feel more confident or experienced in this area. They often provide helpful, personalized suggestions for products that will suit me best. My friend Alyson and I even talked about getting a small group of friends together for a girls night to learn more about skin care, face masks, and other things like that. And even though I still don't feel very educated about make-up, it really helps me to just give it a try every day. Taking a few extra minutes to freshen up my face gives me a nice boost. :)
Goal: 1. Find a small collection of products that work well for me and use them daily.

2. Creating a wardrobe I feel great in:
Pinterest has been an amazing tool in helping me define my style. Just like in any other area of life, it is so easy for me to get caught up in comparing myself to other girls and begin to think that I need to be like them or like what they like… but the beautiful thing is that we all have unique tastes. And we should embrace that! Looking at the pins I've collected over time on my clothing board, I've discovered that I am most drawn to classic shapes, feminine style, and neutral colors. Something about having that board is so encouraging to me because it just makes life feel a little more simple. Shopping has become easier and so has donating clothes that don't fit that general description. Getting ready for the day is fun and stress-free when I like what I own and it feels like me. If you also find it challenging to identify styles you feel good in, try making that Pinterest board. :) Pin images of outfits you're drawn to and go back and review that board every once in a while to see the beautiful picture that is taking shape. Maybe you're like me and sometimes you feel that you just can't make good clothing decisions, well, I just don't think that's true about either of us. :) I think we can overcome the things that feel challenging to us. I also think our clothing style can say a lot about the things that are important to us on the inside… the things God has put in our hearts about how we want to interact with the world and the presence we want to bring with us wherever we go. That might mean your style is a little more wild and bubbly, or a little more sweet and peaceful… either way, you're beautiful and your clothing can express that lovely heart God's given you.
Goals: 1. Donate current 'giveaway' bag and 10 other pieces by April. *if anyone nearby wants to look through that donation bag just let me know! 
2. After Bekah comes, work through Hayley Morgan's 31 Days to a no-brainer wardrobe. 

3. Caring for my teeth: 
Just ask my Mom, I was not a fun child (…or teenager) to take to the dentist. I didn't take great care of my teeth growing up and it is so tempting for me to put off dentist visits. My teeth have had a few issues in the past couple years and I've wasted way too much time worrying about them. Instead of worrying, I should have been trusting that God would take care of the financial costs and that I didn't need to be afraid of going to get them taken care of. This year I've been taking much better care of them on a daily basis and I am finally biting the bullet and finding a dentist in this area so I can't put off visits anymore. :) As funny as it sounds, this year I want to overcome even the smallest fears, like those about my teeth.
Goal: 1. Find a new family dentist by the end of the week and schedule appointment.

4. Getting Active + Exercising
I think one of the most helpful things for me to remember with exercise is that I don't have to do what everyone else does… I just have to do something. I love taking walks and zumba or pilates videos are a lot of fun for me, too! I think we've all felt that discouragement that comes from trying to develop an exercise routine, doing well for a few days, and then feeling totally bummed out when we break the good habits we were building. But just like all the other areas I'm writing about today, I've got to believe I can overcome that discouragement and stay active. It's too easy to focus on how much I don't want to exercise, so instead I'm going to start focusing on what will happen if I stick with it.

1. Create an exercise record chart to hang on the fridge. 
2. Get active for at least 20 minutes 4x a week. 

Whew! It feels good to share all of that. :) I'd love to hear your thoughts on how the name of your year is impacting your daily life. Is there something you need to start telling yourself you are "made for"? Do you have any advice for me as I move forward in my self-care journey?


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