Our First Twenty-Three Weeks with Bekah

Well, there are only about seventeen weeks until we get to meet our little girl! That means I am a little more than halfway through this pregnancy. Every day it becomes a little more real that Bekah really is coming!

I'm excited to share some of our pregnancy journey with you today! Below you'll find a collection of some of our favorite thoughts, experiences, and silly little memories from the past twenty-three weeks or so.

The Big News

  • Luke and I were not surprised to find out we were expecting. We were so hoping to get pregnant quickly and praying with our friends that they would too. It was such a sweet moment when that pregnancy test read positive. We were and are incredibly thankful. 
  • At our first doctor's appointment for the baby we found out we were about seven and a half weeks along. It was so surreal to see that tiny white figure on the ultrasound machine (already taking such a beautiful baby-shape) and know that was our child. 
  • Telling our parents, families, and friends about the baby was so fun! Everyone was very excited and all the responses were so different. With each person we told, we were reminded how blessed we are to have such wonderful people in our lives. It's neat to hear everyone dream about the role they'll have in her life. 
  • My dad had the perfect idea for how we would share the news about the baby with my siblings. We all gathered in my parents' kitchen thanksgiving evening and held hands as Dad prayed over the meal. He got a little chocked up near the end of his prayer and thanked God for "the newest member of our family". As he spoke those words, I pulled out a little sonogram image from my sweater and passed it to my sister Annie. She looked down at the picture in her hands and SCREAMED.  Everyone else quickly opened their eyes and saw the black and white picture. We all laughed, hugged, and screamed and there were very happy tears. 

The Monthly Checkups

  • At the checkups I always say, "I could listen to that heartbeat for hours!" There is so much love and pride in my baby that fills my heart when I hear that strong heartbeat. 
  • Our twenty week ultrasound/gender appointment day was hands down one of the very best days of my life. From the moment I woke up, the whole day had such a beautiful glow about it. Luke wrote the most wonderful blog post that night. Click here to head on over to his blog. He captured the day perfectly! I love that guy so much. :)
  • The nurse and the doctor at the twenty week ultrasound both commented on how beautiful Bekah's lips are… isn't that sweet? Every part of her that they showed us on the screen was the new most beautiful thing we had ever seen! The tiny but strong bones in her legs, how she rubbed her little face with her hands, and the way she smiled for the doctor's picture (as if she knew her mommy and daddy were seeing her)… everything about her was just so beautiful.
  • After that appointment I didn't want to think about anything but her. I was so filled with love for our little girl. I didn't want to think about a registry or a baby shower or anything of that other fun stuff… just Bekah. Her sweet face has the tightest grip on my heart and I am so happy to just think about her. 

Pregnancy Body + Cravings

  • I've heard every woman has a really different experience with how she views her body during pregnancy. There have been some tough days but for the most part I've appreciated my body more and I've loved seeing the bump emerge as my body makes more room for my Bekah. Every time we see her on the screen, hear her heartbeat, or feel her kicks, I am blown away by the fact that God is using my body to nurture her! What an amazing miracle. 

  • I've been trying out pre-natal pilates lately and really enjoy it. The weather here has been freezing and snowy so I'm eagerly awaiting spring walks outdoors in the warm weather. 
  • Some people have asked me what my biggest cravings are: spicy food and anything sour. I can not tell you how much buffalo chicken I have consumed in the past 5 months. Luckily, heartburn hasn't been an issue. :)
  • My favorite maternity clothing so far has been from Target and Old Navy. I especially love these leggings, this tank top in green and white, and these maternity jeans. A couple of my other favorites aren't listed online right now. :)

Other Happy Memories

  • Luke and I picked the name Bekah (or Rebekah) a couple years ago while we were still just dating and talking about our future family. The name just stuck. :) After a little research we discovered Rebekah means "captivating". We are definitely captivated by her! 
  • I started to feel definite kicks around nineteen or twenty weeks. At first they were a little difficult to identify but now Luke is able to feel her kicks too! For a few days she was really active around 1:30am. I love when Luke says, "Bekah is a daddy's girl!" in response to her late night kicks. He is a night owl and dreams about their future hang-outs watching movies or reading on the couch. 

  • My beautiful friend Kelly and I have due dates that are only one day apart! They're the ones we were praying with! Nick and Kelly are so precious to Luke and me. We are so blessed to know them and call them our friends. Kelly is like a pregnancy encyclopedia… any time I have a question about if something is safe to eat or about some kind of symptom, she knows the answer. ;) She is going to be an amazing mom!
  • We love, love, love dreaming about Bekah and praying for her.
  • Last but not least, I never want to forget how loving my husband has been during this season. He is truly a man of God who deeply loves me and Bekah and shows it through his sacrificial love for us. I can't imagine a kinder, more patient, hard-working husband than him. I can't wait until the day when I watch his handsome face as he holds our Bekah for the first time.

Love you all. Thanks for joining in this journey as we await the arrival of our baby!

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