All about Pandowdee {q&a}

A few months ago, I emailed with Heidi, after winning a scarf from her shop. Right away she felt like a friend. She was so kind to me and I loved hearing about the heart behind her family's beautiful handmade shop, Pandowdee

Recently, I asked Heidi and her daughter Laura if I could ask them some questions and share more about their shop here on strong and sweet. Throughout this post you'll find a q&a and pictures of a few of their products. The scarf was won in a giveaway and the backpack was a super generous surprise they sent along for Bekah. We love them both!

1. Hi Laura! Tell me a little bit about yourself! 
Laura: I'm sixteen and  quiet :) 
2. How did Pandowdee get started?
Heidi: a nudge from God
3. I read on your website that one of your future goals for Pandowdee is to make and sell rugs. Would you tell me a little about that?
Heidi: one time, I read about these nomadic people. They would shear their sheep, spread the fleeces out on the ground, wet the big batt of wool, roll the wool batt up and then pull it behind a horse. They'd let the horse roam the hills with the "roll of fleece" in tow.  When they removed it from the horse and unrolled it, they had a warm, thick felted wool batt. They'd actually make their tents out of this felt. Anyway, that's where the rug dream began. I don't know if we'll use horses, some people do a similar thing under their area rugs. Wrapped in plastic with moisture, normal foot traffic will do the same thing.  I've also read about people having a "dance party" on the rug to be felted: many moving feet, fun - job done. :)  
4. What is your favorite item that you've made for the shop?
Heidi: Laura can answer this too, but I just love her bitsee bags. :)  Laura "seconds" this.
5. What's the most challenging part of running Pandowdee?
Heidi: time
6. What's the most rewarding part of running Pandowdee?
Heidi: Again, back to doing whatever God wants. If He's not a part of it or [not] telling us to do it...yikes. If He is...doesn't matter what happens - big smiles.
7. Do you have a dedicated work time each day for creating products, or do you find time here and there to create?
Whenever we have time.
8. Laura, What would you like to do in the future (school, career, etc.)?
Laura: get married :) and stuff my husband with homebaked goods.
9. Is there a Bible verse that encourages you in your work at Pandowdee?
Heidi: Everything comes back to Jesus. There is nothing without Him. He is the only Joy, the only Peace... He makes me smile.
10. What advice would you give to someone who is starting a handmade shop?
Heidi: don't judge success by the world's terms.
11. What other hobbies do you have, Laura?
Laura: singing, singing, singing....listening to music, and more music...oh, and volleyball
Heidi: did laura mention that she loves music????!!! :)

While reading the responses, I was especially inspired by their view of success - it's obedience to God. It won't always look like we expect, but man, there is such peace in doing what you know God has called you to do.

If you'd like to find out more about this beautiful momma and her girl and the work they do over at Pandowdee - you can visit their website or Etsy shop. Pandowdee has ready to ship items and also welcomes custom orders. Feel free to contact Heidi at pandowdee AT with any questions!

Thank you so much for sharing, Heidi and Laura! 

this is not in a sponsored post - just something I wanted to share with you!
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