About the Weekend {2.9.15}

How was your weekend? We had such a nice one. Saturday my mom and dad came to visit. They try to make a trip to us every couple weeks, which is crazy nice and so much fun for us. We went to lunch at Nudy's, a local place with a really yummy, fresh kind of menu. Bekah was so cute sitting in her seat at the end of the table, watching the waitress and making friends with other diners who stopped by to say hi.

After lunch, we all went back to our apartment, ate ice-cream, and a few of us napped. Seeing them go is always hard. Those visits are the best!

Sunday we had a great morning at church. We're a part of a new church plant near Philadelphia. It's been such an interesting experience, week by week, getting to know more people and serving in different areas. I had a moment standing in the lobby, with a mix of old and new friends, where it really felt like getting together with all our old friends from back home. That was really cool. We did lunch at Chipotle and spent the rest of the day with a movie, a walk around campus, and spending time at our school's coffee shop. Bekah loved her people watching time there.
The other day I was reading Lindsey Kubly's blog and she mentioned something about Mondays being a refreshing kind of day for her. Our weekends tend to go by pretty quickly with work schedules, so the idea of using Monday to get a good start to the week sounded really nice. This morning, once Bekah was down for her first nap, I brewed hazelnut coffee, turned on a podcast, did the dishes, and ended up cleaning the kitchen way more than I expected to (a good surprise!). It was quiet and relaxing and such a productive morning - a very good combo.

A little later in the day, Bekah and I hung out around the table. She ate peach puffs and I gave this little box an update. I bought the wooden box on a missions trip back in ninth grade. I used to like the wood look a lot, but then I dripped some paint on it (I'm a really messy painter), so it seemed like a good time to redo it. This is where I store my hair ties, bobby pins and head bands in the bathroom. Recently, I found a pretty greenish gray jewelry box at HomeGoods. I loved the color and the glossy finish, but I didn't really need it, so it stayed there. With a new coat of paint, I feel like I now have something very similar and it was free! I think the green will add a nice pop of color to our very white bathroom. Paint does amazing things. :)

So how was your weekend? I'm all ears!


I had to share this cute video of Bekah, too.  

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