Sharing my Health Journey {week five 2.11.15}

Another week is done! This one felt so different than the others. Last week I shared that a big struggle for me was the amount of time it was taking to get my 10,000 steps each day, mostly because of the types of exercise I was doing. I expect it to take time, and putting in the time is really important - but it was getting to the point that other necessary stuff was getting pushed to the back burners. I asked God for wisdom about that situation and ended up with a sort of funny solution.

Running has always scared me. I think it might have something to do with dealing with asthma as a kid - that feeling of not having enough breath was too common and so unpleasant. In my post for week four, I mentioned that I had given running a try again. It was freezing out that day and the cold air burned. During every little portion of running I thought "this is the last one - I don't think I can run anymore after this". But sure enough, when I went back to walking, I'd catch my breath a little and feel a real desire to run again. That was a pretty cool feeling and I felt that some new hope and joy was developing there.

I found an old, free copy of Jesse Owen's (a 1936 olympian runner/broad jumper) autobiography in our school library. I started reading it around the day I tried running again - and then that night I had a dream about running. And it was so fun! I think this has been one of the coolest parts of this health journey so far. I'm getting excited about something that has always scared me and felt off limits before.

It's been very icy the past week or two, so there haven't been a ton of opportunities to run outside. So the funny solution? Running in place (not with Bekah - I just liked that picture). Sometimes for 5, 10, 20+ minutes at a time. I'll watch a video and just run. Haha - I sort of feel like I'm cheating the steps or something... but I guess that's not really possible? I feel stronger and like my endurance is better each day with that. I get sweaty and happy and excited to run outside. Hopefully the ice will melt away for good this week and next week I'll have some outside running reports to give you. :) I'm still mixing in REFIT dance fitness and having a lot of fun - but I was ready for a little variety.

Another thing that really encouraged me this week was when my parents visited on Saturday. My mom (who is always so encouraging) said that she saw such a difference in my energy level that day. It was so sweet to hear because I was feeling that same thing! In past visits, I felt like I just wanted to melt into the rocking chair when they were here. Just because, ya know, with your parents you can kinda put down your guard and be honest about how you feel. But Saturday was so different. I wasn't discouraged. I wasn't feeling low about the tough stuff of being a mom. I was energetic and able to enjoy our visit so much more! I'm so thankful for that. If eating better and living a more active lifestyle can help me be more present during family time - then both those things are so worth holding on to.

A couple things I want to work on this week? 1) Eat less sweet stuff/junky food, more whole foods, keep track of food 2) Get outside and give running a try again and again 3) Start the day in prayer and praise and check my attitude/heart first thing.

Thanks for following along again this week! I'd love to hear about any kind of health or habit changes you've been making, too.


If you'd like to check out the previous posts in my health journey - here they are!

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