Sharing my Health Journey {week eight 3.4.2015}

I'm checking in late tonight after another pretty good week. :) The exercise is still going well. Most of my exercise is happening inside and towards the end of the day. It's all working out pretty nicely that way - but I wouldn't mind finding ways to spread it out throughout the day.

The other night I was talking with Luke and I told him I felt a little weird about the past 3-4 weeks all looking about the same. I was wondering if that was a bad thing, but he really encouraged me with his response. He basically reminded me that I'm building habits and if every week were completely different, that might not be so good. Things in this journey still feel strong and steady and I'm thankful for that. I think taking some time to learn about making healthy food decisions would be a good next step.

We had one of our "every 21 days" celebrations this week (a couple weeks late). The three of us went out to dinner and had such a nice time. I think the next celebration will be going out together to buy new running shoes. Both of us are due for a new pair pretty soon- my last ones were bought in the middle of high school - and the new shoes will be added motivation to get out there and exercise... with comfy, well-supported feet. :)

By the way, in very important exercise-related news: Bekah is now a crawler!! Well, she's about 98% there. It's sort of an army crawl but it's the coolest thing to watch her move around and chase after stuff. Yay Bek! You're awesome!

This week, I thought it would be fun to make a bucket list of activities and healthy choices for the week ahead. I'll still complete my daily FitBit goals, this will just help me add some variety. The FitBit goals have served as such a good standard each day. Having measurable daily goals has been a huge help to me. If you want to chat about my experience with the FitBit - feel free to ask any questions! I love that thing. :)
1. Walk to the mailroom
2. Go on a walk with a friend
3. Take a family walk after dinner
4. Walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes one morning. 
          Quick side note - our neighbors gave us a free compact treadmill. It was so, so nice of them!
5. Try out a new healthy recipe
6. Take a walk outside (even if it's cold)
7. Do a REFIT workout 
8. Run in place for a 30 minute stretch 
         I did this one tonight but forgot to take a picture
9. Take a "just for fun" trip out of the house and carry Bekah in the Ergo 
10. Choose something healthy over a dessert option
11. Do a FitBit challenge with my aunt and sister
12. Narrow down new running shoe choices
13. Try a new, healthy, easy snack
14. Dance with Bekah when we've been sitting for a while

It's your turn! If this seems like something that would be helpful to you, share your list with me! I'd also love some healthy snack and meal suggestions. It's always fun to get recipes from friends. :) I hope you're having a great week.

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