Sharing my Health Journey {week nine 3.11.15}

I said goodbye to week nine with a walk around a lake and some much appreciated outdoor exercise today. This was another great week! There was more variety in our day to day schedules, and that added fun challenges and changes to my exercise and food choices. Last week I shared this "bucket list" of activities I wanted to complete over the course of week nine... let's see how I did.

1. Walk to the mailroom
2. Go on a walk with a friend 
3. Take a family walk after dinner
4. Walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes one morning. 
5. Try out a new healthy recipe
6. Take a walk outside (even if it's cold)
7. Do a REFIT workout 
8. Run in place for a 30 minute stretch 
         I did this one tonight but forgot to take a picture
9. Take a "just for fun" trip out of the house and carry Bekah in the Ergo 
10. Choose something healthy over a dessert option
11. Do a FitBit challenge with my aunt and sister
12. Narrow down new running shoe choices
13. Try a new, healthy, easy snack
14. Dance with Bekah when we've been sitting for a while

Not too bad! Once the middle of the week hit, I kind of forgot to look back at this list. I think I'll give some of these uncrossed items a try again this week. The past four or five days have been a little nuts for us. Our car officially died so we had to make an unplanned trip back to our hometown to do car shopping and get things in order. Everything seems to be working out well so far with getting a replacement. We feel so loved and taken care of by all our family and friends who helped this almost feel like a non-issue by helping us get to home and work as needed. God is such a faithful provider.

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep up with my health goals these past few days with all the changes and travel. But it's been a fun challenge and I'm really happy to say I've kept moving and I'm still reaching my main goals. I went to a nearby housing community with my mother-in-law, niece, nephew, and Bekah this afternoon. We did a bunch of laps around the lake and absolutely loved the warm weather. I wore Bekah in her Ergo carrier and she napped while I got my steps in. The exercise and fresh air seem to be so good for her, which is such a sweet thing for me to see. When we came home, the two of us sat on the swing outside for a few minutes. I think exploring the outdoors with her this spring and summer will be so much fun.

A few other good things about week nine?
  1. I ate a lot of kale and liked it much more than I expected. This week I want to try to make kale chips. Have you tried them before? What did you think?
  2. Luke and I took a couple good long walks together this week. One around town tonight and another, a few days ago, while the sun was setting on campus. That's one of our favorite things to do together - good prayer times and conversations happen on those walks.
  3. My niece is really into playing tag right now and I joined in a lot quicker than I would have before. I have more energy and I feel less self conscious when it comes to being active.
  4. My baby turned 9 months!!! That isn't really related - but, man, she is the best.  
How was your week? You should tell me some good things that happened. :)

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